The Smith

Hello, welcome to my website; my name is Luke Shearer and I am a bladesmith working in the Northern European tradition with the aim of producing objects that inspire nobility and holiness, be that a simple tool or complicated sword. When making these things, I look not only to the past to see what wise, thousand year old craftsman have done, but also to the great bladesmiths of our time, many of whom I have humbly begun to know personally. That said, I want there to be no mistake about where my truest inspiration comes from. As a Christian, and a human, I derive my passion to create from the Creator Himself. So looking to His character and the Universe He crafted is where my drive to make comes from.

It is half-jokingly that I admit to being a bladesmith pretty much from the time of my birth. As a kid growing up in south east Texas, my friends and I were always running around amongst the tall pines, building forts, taming nature with our young hands, and of course, making swords out of anything we could. Fighting with them was inevitable.

Following the grand Mythopoeic tradition begun by Tolkien and his cognitive friend Lewis, subconsciously at first, I strive to form deeply true narrative values, that are perhaps just hinted, strongly but subtly, in whatever I might make.

Please take a look around, learn about my process, or perhaps claim a blade for yourself….

luke smith

3 Responses to The Smith

  1. Dave Collier says:

    Good for you brother. Keep up the work and study.

  2. Matt Parker says:

    Hi Luke,

    Your journey and your blog are very inspiring. I have followed some of your work on the Bladesmith’s Forum (nice Firey Beard by the way) and it is all really solid graceful stuff. I have yet to post on the forum because I am just getting into the craft (no one wants wasted posts) but work like your’s really pumps up the enthusiasm. Great blog and site too. Thanks for sharing the journey!

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